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Ticket Reduction

Simplilearn strives for customer delight through premier professional training but faces support challenges with 16,000 biweekly queries. UX research must identify reasons and offer solutions to reduce these queries and improve learner experiences

Problem Statement

About 16,000 tickets are raised every 15 days. The LSG and CD of Simplilearn support team were unable to address to their queries in a timely manner. Due to delays, learners are experiencing a variety of concerns which is impacting their learning experience.

Business Goals

Target Audience

a.) Learner

18 - 50

  • - Cope up with cohort

  • - Get good score in assessments

  • - Get course certification

  • - Report support team, if they need any assistance

  • - Communicate with tutor and peers in the cohorts

b.)LSG Agent

23 - 40 (H&S)

  • A day in the life of a LSG Agent:

  • Attend Salesforce CRM tickets

  • Manage & conduct Live Sessions

  • Conduct Welcome sessions

  • Attend tickets on Engagex

  • Make Announcements through emails or community

  • Interact with learners through emails, webex or 3CX

c.) CD Agent

23 - 40 (H&S)

  • A day in the life of a CD Agent:

  • Attend Salesforce CRM tickets

  • Follow up with 3rd party vendors based on query raised by the learner

  • Attend tickets on Engagex

Frustations 1. Learner

  • Unable to finish my program

  • I couldn’t extend program

  • I’m not getting enough time finish program intime

  • I couldn’t understand project

  • I’m unable to download certificate

2. CD & LSG Agent

  • Duplicate queries.

  • Unable to address issues which are dependent on other teams.

  • Unable to meet daily targets due to increase in ticket inflow.

  • Insufficient bandwidth due to different other activities in a day.

  • Queries mapped to wrong categories so unable to address such issues.

Reward Plan

Preliminary focus areas

  1. Identify the most common issues of users

  2. Understand work flows across the LMS platform, EngageX Platform and operations

  3. Find areas of improvement under different work flows

The Research

Since the problem statement revolves around the number of tickets being raised by learner, as part of research we planned to deep dive into the LSG and CD tickets from the customer support teams. For this activity we have taken a sample of ~16000 tickets from last 15days from the system and studied them for weeks. From the study we emerged with new directions and ended up doing following activities.


Sample tickets

15 days

Sample duration



PG & Non PG


Analysis & Actions

  • Identify the Top 10 Child Categories contributing tickets

  • Study tickets and classify tickets into ones that need human intervention and not.

  • Can tickets that don’t need human intervention to be solved through automation?

  • Analyse the tickets to understand issue areas and it’s the frequency

  • Interacted with LSMs to understand their concerns with respect to the platform

Analysis overview

Top Ticket Contributors

Top Reduction Possibilities

Top issue areas & Sample queries


Design and Wireframes Cohort change

Sample projects

Project evaluation status - EngageX

Project extension - through H&S

Project extension - through LE

Project Extension - through LMS

Project guidance

Potential impact


  • Working with product teams while exploring strategies to reduce the ticket count is really beneficial learning experience.

  • I got to pick up some great Excel formulas and tricks from the product people. I appreciate them.

  • The chance to leverage analytics data to comprehend user behaviour in various product contexts is quite exciting.


  • There is no way for consumers to provide real-time feedback.

  • Working with Excel sheets and discovering new formulas every day was entertaining but occasionally irksome.

  • Finding common slots to collaborate with members of the support staff is more challenging than anticipated.

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